Ep. 71 - The Superfan Company's Abby Downing

Jeff Robbins interviews Abby Downing of The Superfan Company about the process of “not having a process,” engaging with clients “where they’re at,” and finding your personal cadence for productivity each day.
Discussion Topics…
How does location affect getting remote work done at The Superfan Company?
Why the company motto is “meet the clients where they’re at”
Productivity when working from home vs while traveling or at an office
Improving communication skills as a result of working remotely
Finding a healthy work-life balance when transitioning to a remote workstyle
Choosing the hours that work best for you to “get work done”
Efficient ways to communicate internally and externally
What does your creative process look like?
Business Plan: “Make money. Have fun.”
The importance of trusting your team members to get things done without micromanagement
Scheduling calls with clients and remote workers
How to hire great remote workers and which qualities to look for
Working together towards common goals as a remote company
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