Writing is the Top Skill Remote Workers Need

Ever sat there staring at that blinking cursor? Writing is a skill that most of us struggle with, even if it makes up the bulk of our job as knowledge workers. Whether it’s a timely Slack message, a sensitive email, or an article for the blog, being able to communicate our thoughts via the written word is a must.
If you are eager to get into the remote work job market, you may assume that “being able to work remotely” is enough of a skill to get you that gig. Think again. You may be the most qualified person for the job, but can you communicate that to your future employer during the application process?
Written communication is foundational to remote work. Mastering your writing skills will help you stand out from other candidates and actually get your resume out of the trash bin and in front of the decision makers. Then, it’s up to you to land the job.
Do you think writing is the most important skill for remote workers? Why or why not? Tweet us @yonder_io with your top skill!